About Us
Ístex was established to carry on the Icelandic wool industry that started in Mosfellsbær in 1896. Ístex buys directly from farmers and processes about 99% of all Icelandic wool. Icelandic farmers own more than 80% of the company.
Our commitment with Lopi is to offer high quality products from Icelandic wool to customers that choose natural, sustainable and eco-friendly living. Our wool is certified STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®.
Ístex produces knitting yarn made of Icelandic wool, for example, Álafosslopi, Einband, Jöklalopi, Léttlopi, and Plötulopi.
Ístex publishes pattern books with Icelandic design to fulfill the demand for unique, traditional and creative patterns. Ístex also produces Icelandic wool blankets and Icelandic wool duvets.
Products from Ístex are available worldwide.
Contact us
Sales – Office , +354 566-6300
Spinning factory in Mosfellsbær, +354 566-6300
Wool scouring plant in Blönduós, +354 483-4290
Quality and development, +354 566-7730
Imports and exports, +354 566-6300

Key Executives
Sigurður Sævar Gunnarsson, CEO, +354 566-6302
Eugène Pilard, production manager in Mosfellsbær, +354 566-6306
Guðmundur Svavarsson, plant manager in Blönduós, +354 483-4290
Rebekka Kristjánsdóttir, sales and business, +354 566-6304
Board of directors
Gunnar Þórarinsson, chairman
Jóhannes Sveinbjörnsson, vice chairman
Halla Eiríksdóttir, secretary of the board
Jóhann Ragnarsson
Guðfinna Harpa Árnadóttir