Other Products

Ístex offers Kambgarn and Spuni that are made of merino wool. Both are great for children’s garments. 

Ístex has multiple selections for hand knitting. For example Kemba, wool soap and wool conditioner, knitting needles, crochet needles and buttons.


Kambgarn is made of merino wool and is ideal for children’s sweaters, hats and etc.


Spuni is made of merino wool and has the same roughness as Léttlopi. Suited for patterns that are made for Léttlopi.


Kemba is perfect for felting, spinning and also for padding. Kemba is known as “the magical felting wool”.

Ullarsápa and Ullarnæring

Lopi ullarsápa is a detergent specially formulated for washing wool and other delicate materials. Lopi ullarnæring is a conditioner for wool and other delicate materials.

Knitting Needles, Crochet Hooks, and Buttons

Ístex offers knitting needles and crochet hooks from Pony. They are colorful and have enjoyed great popularity. Each size has its own color.